News from the Shop
Restocking and Drop Schedule for 2024
[Updated 6/11/24]
Due to high demand and an expanding catalog of products, we're switching to a rotating drop schedule for our writing tools. Below you'll find a list of estimated drop dates. This page will give you an idea on when you'll be able to get the one you're looking for. Each product has a waitlist option. Sign up to be first to hear.
Machine Era Pencil (Ti) [May 2024] [Restocked 5/23]
Machine Era Pencil (Brass & Stainless) [June 2024] [Restocked 6/5/24]
Field Pen | Twist (DLC) [May 2024] [Restocked 5/14]
Field Pen | Click (DLC) [May 2024] [Restocked 5/14]
Field Pen | Twist (Brass) [October 2024]
The Original (Brass) [June 2024] [Restocked 6/11/24]
The Original (Stainless) [June 2024] [Restocked 6/11/24]
The Original (Ti) [July 2024] [Restocked 7/22/24]
The Markup [October 2024]
Fountain Pen Kit [October 2024]